The Artist at Work

We would like to introduce you to a new line of urns made by an artist in California.
A few words from the artist:
I seek to unite the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects of life in my work. Throwing porcelain on the wheel demands strength, concentration and coordination. I use yoga breathing principles to produce the delicate yet strong pressure needed to pull the clay smoothly and evenly upwards.
The natural world inspires me, so I was fascinated to discover crystalline glazes, in which a process normally occurring deep in the earth can be coaxed to take place in a kiln. The striking quality of the crystals demands the simple, elegant forms I create to set them off. The crystals seem to float in their pool of glaze, creating a fourth dimension on the three dimensional surface of the clay.
I use mineral oxides to create my colors, and these also affect the formation of the crystals. The unpredictable variations in placement and size of the crystals makes each kiln opening an occasion for anticipation and wonder, like a child opening a gift.
Click below to see pieces by this artist:
Cobalt Ceramic Urn