Poems for the Loss of a Child or Baby
Memorial Funeral Poems for a miscarriage, infant, baby or child loss – A parent’s prayer
Use any of these poems for loss of a child or baby or infant. The poems can be used in the memorial program, for readings, or on thank you cards. We also have a page on dealing with grief which you may want to visit if you are dealing with the loss of a son or daughter.
Memorial Poems for Loss of A Child or Baby
A Parent’s Prayer
When a child is apart,
even for a little while,
a parent says a prayer.
We ask the Lord to protect…
to be where we cannot be,
to go where we cannot go.
In Him we place our trust,
for He sees, He knows.
Though how your heart must break,
parted for now from your little one,
know that the Lord keeps your little one safe,
with Him, where we all belong.
He will keep your child in a loving embrace,
just as He keeps you, a child, too.
That is His answer to a parent’s prayer,
that is His love —
forever, everywhere.
“If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together.. there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we’re apart.. I’ll always be with you.”
Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne)
Although we seem so far apart,
You’re always here within our hearts.
You filled our lives with joy and pleasure
You were to us a precious treasure.
A little while shall pass and then,
We’ll see each other once again.
Loved, remembered and held so dear,
In minds and hearts you’re always here.
Sometimes God picks a flower that’s still in full bloom.
Sometimes the flower that is chosen, we feel He’s picked too soon.
We’re at peace knowing; in God’s heavenly garden,
He has placed the ones we treasure.
You have changed our lives forever.
Teardrops are falling. We embrace this sad day.
A sweet little baby has just passed away.
So perfect his spirit, so perfect his love,
So perfect a gift from a Father above.
Our child, your family is grieving this day,
In our hearts God has told us why you couldn’t stay.
A spirit so special, so perfect, and pure,
should not have the trials of this life to endure.
You wanted a family, that’s why you came.
To be loved on earth, and given a name.
Then back to our Heavenly Father you went,
fulfilling the mission for which you were sent.
Although our grief is heavy this day,
we know you are happy, and not far away.
Loved ones have gathered close to your side.
Life is Eternal… you’ve really not died.
Know that we love you with all of our heart.
We’ll see you our dear one when this life we part.
Save us a place where we’ll be close to you,
and in joy we’ll embrace, as our love we renew.
by: Ron Tranmer ©
Wear an angel close to your heart to remember your beloved baby or child. Angels also come as angel pocket charms or angels wrapped in organza pouches.
More Poems for Loss of a Child or Baby
Too Pure To Stay
At the loss of a dear sweet child
words cannot explain,
how much the heart is broken,
or how awful is the pain.
“Why doest Thou take little ones?”
I asked as I knelt to pray.
I felt His spirit telling me;
“They are too pure to stay.”
I had the warmest feeling
That my child is happy and waits,
until we are together again
past Heaven’s golden gates.
Time will reunite us.
In not too many years.
In heavens place, we’ll embrace
and joy will replace tears.
by Ron Tranmer ©
My Little Angel
You’ve just walked on ahead of me
And I’ve got to understand
You must release the ones you love
And let go of their hand.
I try and cope the best I can
But I’m missing you so much
If I could only see you
And once more feel your touch.
Yes, you’ve just walked on ahead of me
Don’t worry I’ll be fine
But now and then I swear I feel
Your hand slip into mine.
God Took Him To His Loving Home
God saw him getting tired, a cure was not to be.
He wrapped him in his loving arms and whispered ‘Come with me.’
He suffered much in silence, his spirit did not bend.
He faced his pain with courage, until the very end.
He tried so hard to stay with us but his fight was not in vain,
God took him to His loving home and freed him from the pain.
Mother To An Angel
A tiny little angel
bid a silent sweet goodbye
to a sad and weeping mother,
then flew off to heaven’s sky.
When a spirit child is perfect
there’s no need for them to stay.
They come and choose a family
then go quickly on their way.
The trials and pain of earth life
are not theirs to endure.
God knows these precious little ones
are much too good and pure.
But while here, a bond is made.
Closer than any other.
One of everlasting love
between the child and mother.
I’m the mother of an angel.
who is watching over me.
How I wish you could have stayed,
but it’s not meant to be.
For a time, my little angel,
you and I will be apart,
but until I hold you in my arms,
I’ll hold you in my heart.
Ron Tranmer©
She was so very, very special
And was so from the start
You held her in your arms
But mainly in your heart
And like a single drop of rain
That on still waters fall,
Her life did ripples make
And touched the lives of all.
She’s gone to play with angels
In heaven up above
So keep your special memories
And treasure. them with love
Although your darling daughter
Was with you just a while
She’ll live on in your heart
With a sweet remembered smile
Then the child opened its eyes, and looked up into the angel’s beautiful face, which beamed with happiness, and at the same moment they were in heaven, where joy and bliss reigned. The child received wings like the other angel, and they flew about together, hand in hand.
By Hans Christian Andersen
God’s garden has need of a little flower.
It had grown for a time here below.
But in tender love.
He took it above.
To a more favorable climate to grow.
(this would be a very nice poem to put on the plantable butterfly cards shown at the top of the page)
Some People Only Dream of Angels…
We Held One In Our Arms
Those we have held in our arms for a little while, we hold in our hearts forever.
We have a large selection of Funeral Songs. Here are a few that are recommended for a child, baby, son or daughter: (click on link to listen and read the lyrics)
♫ Baby Mine by Bette Midler
♫ You’ll Be In My Heart by Phil Collins
♫ Borrowed Angels by Kristin Chenoweth
♫ I am Your Child by Barry Manilow
♫ Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Judy Garland
♫ Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton
♫ To Where You Are by Josh Groban
♫ Streets of Heaven by Sherrie Austin
>> See more songs and read the lyrics and listen to a snippet.
More resources: Collection of Poems, Verses, and Sayings. How to give a Eulogy.
Ideas for creating a memorable Celebration of Life:
- This balloon idea has been very popular. Attach many photos or one from each year of your loved one’s life. Even if you don’t have dated photos, an approximation is good enough.
- Seed Cards Plantable Heart is personalized and is made of seeded paper that grows wildflowers when planted.
Need more help? Our downloadable guidebook has the tips you need to plan a funeral or memorial service.